Vigtig information
23. oktober 2024- hvis du påtænker at starte i Frankrig i vinter
Fra UET har vi på vegne af det franske forbund (LE TROT) modtaget nedenstående information vedrørende krav om korrektheden og bekræftelse af vaccinationer i hestens Hestepas.
Vi gør samtidig opmærksom på at for at starte i Frankrig skal hesten OGSÅ være vaccineret imod Herpesvirus.
! Propositioner til Vinter-meeting findes efter meddelesen fra Le Trot !
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This is to inform all foreign federations on behalf of the racing department of SETF about the vaccinations and the changes in the horse passeport as of 1st July 2024 and about horses in transit in France:
As from races organised on 1st January 2025, NO CERTIFICATE will be accepted on race day if the vaccination form contains erasures or overwritten dates which have not been certified in writing, signed and stamped by the veterinary surgeon who carried out the vaccination. Any horse whose entries on the ‘vaccinations’ sheet of the identification document are crossed out, overwritten or confusing without a veterinary surgeon having certified the exact date in writing, signed and stamped it, will not be allowed to take part in the event and a fine of 500 euros will be imposed on the trainer.
We strongly recommend that you check the vaccination sheets on each horse's identification documents and take all the necessary steps and formalities to ensure that your horse is in order.
Trainers are reminded that the vaccination status of any horse in transit at a racecourse must comply with the provisions of article 15 of the Code des Courses au Trot.
Failure to do so will result in a fine of 300 euros being imposed on the trainer and the horse not being admitted to the racecourse.
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